It was 1830 hrs and I was sleeping comfortably on my not so comfortable bed, suddenly my samsung L700 mobile rang, nd it ws no one else bt my father on d other side, I talked to him fr a while nd den went out to get a face wash... fr it ws VLSI paper d next day nd I had to prepare... As I ws gettin out of d bathroom, I shared regular greetings with one of my fellow hostelier nd he asked me " news to pata hi hoga??"... I said wat?? nd den it came out " ek second yr ka ladka suicide kr liya hai nd his name is ABC ".... my reaction ws " wat? why? how? ... I knew him, he ws one of ma juniors close frnd " ... The relevant details were den told " he used a Laptop charging wire, coz he ws got caught red handed cheatin in d examination nd ws forced to write on a sheet of paper dat he ws caught cheatin nd dat he shud b given a year back"..
I ws shocked nd at d same time d rage over d teacher blew out, ( My student sentiments r alwaz wid students.. watevr wron dey may do, coz To Err Is Human ). The paper ws cancelled fr d nxt day nd after a brief period of grief nd periodic discussions, almost everyone engaged in his regular activities ( off course this excludes 2nd yr coz he ws their batchmate nd dey knew him btr ).....
Everythg went on till I gt a few naked details today, his father had come to take his body, he ws smokin one cigarette every two minutes, he ws lukin sumwhere nd takin somwhere, his sister is in a state of coma, shocked after hearin dis news nd her mother has gone mad over d news rattlin watevr is cumin to her mind.... d father was watchin d pics painted by his late son nd his hands were trembling... d only thng he told ws dat is whole family is gonna die in a few months... dey ll be unable to sustain d loss.......
Even more shockin ws d attitude of a few assholes ( mind it I dnt mind usin dese wrds fr such idiots ) who blindly supported d wrong reason fr his suicide, knowin d true reason... jus coz it benefited dem ( in an indecent manner, of course), I don mind sayin it ws their lude nature dat dragged them into lying..... yes their lude nature,
it ws coz of a gal dat he committed suicide, d xam incident jus acted as a trigger....
d lyf of a young promising man is over bt it has raised a question, hauntin in ma mind... y is it so dat most of d suicides ( if nt all den a decent percentage of all suicides ) ve a gal behind dem.... I m nt against havin relationship bt y is it so dat a gal can drive u to such an extent... why? How?
After every successful man thr is a we need to modify it to add dat behind every frustated, melancholy ridden man too is a woman ????